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Welcome to my Visual Literacy portfolio, my name is Kaitlyn Evans and here you will see some of my work featuring a series of different developments

Visual Literacy Class YouTube

This is the YouTube link to my classmates work, I recommend visiting it, in the description of our classes YouTube account you can also see their other socials, such as Twitter, Pinterest, the official Airlie website, and more!

About Me

My name is Kaitlyn Evans

I'm on the AU volleyball team, I really enjoy drawing, reading or watching shows in my free time, and I'm 18 years old. I was born and raised in Dallas Texas, in June 2019, I moved to North Carolina  for 4 Years, and then I went back to Texas after graduating high school.

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Airlie Client Project Video

This is my Airlie Client Project Video. The music used is "In Dreamland" background music. It's a no copyright music sound that I found on YouTube. The images I used were taken by my classmates. 

Photo credits; David Gay 

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Pultzer Prize Analysis

By Kaitlyn Evans

During the COVID-19 pandemic this picture was taken in India on May 4, 2021. The boy in the blue is kneeling in front of the cremation of his 45 year old mother who died due to the coronavirus. Regardless of race, age, or religion everyone has some sort of bond with their family. Photos that show grief or sadness over loved ones really stick out to a lot of people because it brings out a sort of empathy towards others. The Pultzer prize winners,Yunus Siddiqui, Sarah Siddiqui, Adnan Abidi and Amit Dave accepted the Pultzer awards in 2022.

The photographers captured an important and memorable moment in history because not everyone may have seen their mother be cremated and mourn over it, but many people lost family members due to covid all over the world. 


Danish Siddiqui was a Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist, he was born May 19th  1983, and was the chief photographer for reuters. He graduated with a degree in economics and later pursued post grad in mass communication studies. In 2021 he was killed while covering a clash between Afghan security forces and Taliban forces near the Pakistani borders. Siddiqui has two children and a wife that tell his story. I believe that a huge reason his picture won is because his wife and children are also mourning over the death of him. Siddiqui wasn’t only a husband he was a father , a good one that had talent and a keen eye. Yes the picture is very sentimental and meaningful but the fact that his wife, two children, and many other people that have experienced the loss between a loved one whether it be the pandemic or sickness can all understand and feel the same pain the boy felt in the picture. The “boy” in the image’s name is Pranav Mishara, he is 19 years old and till this day is still grieving over the loss of his mother, the pain never went away it just gradually became more tolerable over time. 


This image stood out to me because the contrast of the bright blue jumpsuit Pranav is wearing and the yellowish brown tint from the environment around him makes you stare at Pranav. Looking at his stance, the angle of the camera, and the people around him makes you look around the image for more details of what is going on. The masks being worn and the background of the old buildings peeling and wood burning gives an effect of a disaster and extremity of what is going on. In the image you can see the concern of the other people around him trying to comfort him in a sort of way, but the other focal point is the boy in the bright light pink shirt that seems to be attempting to help and support Pranav during the pandemic.


I was unable to be at Airlie because I was away at a volleyball game but here are some of the pictures I took at the gardens and beautiful scenery and spots I visited just in general

My Resume

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VR Goggles

Why I chose Visual Literacy

I chose Visual Literacy because I thought it was going to be a class where we illustrated and created our own art through drawings. It didn't end up being the case, we did a lot of film and photography and we worked with Airlie at Your Table but I will say this class helped me experience a once in a lifetime education opportunity. So I have no regrets, please read my reflection I created on this class. It's on the Client project slide. Just press view and it'll take you more into depth of my thought process during this semester!

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